Thursday, May 12, 2016

Any Given Day

Today was hard.

I woke up discouraged for some reason.  Stiff back…knowing Craig’s back was also persistently hurting him…after weeks of prayer for healing.

My head spun really as I rolled out of bed, felt the cold air outside coming in through the window and piercing my body, warm from the night’s sleep.

Lately I have been excited to wake up and linger in prayer with the Lord.  But today…it felt like a chore.

I couldn’t get my head right…couldn’t get focused on praising, the way I always start…thoughts running, circling, banging around in my head, colliding with each other.

Craig felt similar.  Back still hurts.  Dog still pooping on the floor at night.  Fears still waving in and out.  Didn’t sleep much last night.

He gave me a soft touch…said something…tired of letting the enemy steal his joy and peace…said he’d pray for me…off he went.

I pushed through…made it to my power place…intercession…praying scripture for me…for others.

Then started the day.

It didn’t take long for the train to leave the tracks.  Carly woke up grumpy.  She had a good amount of writing and editing to do before her writing class this morning. 

It didn’t go well. 

I know it’s not going to go well when she scratches her paper with her pencil, throws the pencil…because she can’t get the checkmarks right…who cares how the checkmarks on the check sheet look? 

She does…with anger and passion.

Trying to be consistent in all my threats of consequences…for sass…disrespectful talk…bad attitude…I came down on her.

Then there was Jake.

Walking out to take Carly to class I found him in the garage where he was supposed to be working out.  He looked…like he does most days…like he was putting more effort and focus into his phone…music…than the workout.

Will he ever just work hard at something…cuz he wants to?

As I watched Carly walk to class…with all the silence between us

Her, age 12, wanting to be independent but still very much needing me…and not wanting to

Me…tired…certain I was doing everything wrong. 

I started to cry. 

I love her so much.  She’s just a bundle of confusion and angst and gifts and insecurities and hormones.  She doesn’t know what she’s doing.

And I’m the mom.  Oh God…I just don’t want her to turn away from you because of me…because of my mistakes.

The floodgates opened.

What were you thinking, giving me these two?  You were silly to think I could handle them.

And I’m so damn tired of making Jake crawl.  I’ve been forcing him to crawl in every way his entire life.  I can’t do it.

The tears flowed…as did all the words my heart felt.

I didn’t give them to you because I thought you could handle it.  I gave them to you because I knew you’d turn to Me.”

Alright Lord.  I need some more encouragement.  What do you have for me?

I opened  “Jesus Calling”:

“As you look at the day before you, you see a twisted, complicated path, with branches going off in all directions.  You wonder how you can possibly find your way through that maze.  Then you remember the One who is with you always, holding you by your right hand.  You recall My promise to guide you with My counsel, and you begin to relax…”

Yes Lord.  Keep walking.  One step at a time…not really ever knowing where the next step is…pressing into your presence.  Oh Lord, engulf me…surround me in your presence.  Fullness of joy.

Then I opened “Charles Spurgeon: Morning and Evening”:

“ ‘The Lord is my portion, saith my soul.’ Lamentations 3:24
It is not the Lord is partly my portion, nor The Lord is in my portion; but he himself makes up the sum total of my soul’s inheritance.  Within the circumference of that circle lies all that we possess or desire.  The Lord is my portion.  Not his grace merely, nor his love, nor his covenant, but Jehovah himself.  The Lord is our all-sufficient portion...  God fills himself; and if God is all-sufficient in himself, he must be all-sufficient for us… Well may we delight ourselves in the Lord who makes us to drink of the river of his pleasures.”

Then I got this from Craig:

I am filled with Hope knowing that Jesus is in charge of our lives.  I know He will direct us to His promised land, He is our Good Shepherd.  He has already proven Himself faithful to meet all of our needs and we can trust in Him that He will continue.  We have so much to be thankful for, these light and momentary trials are producing in us a bountiful harvest.  I pray that the God of Hope may fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.  
Sensing Him lifting all of us above the mess here and protecting all of us under His wings,

You are my portion…my reward.  My crown is found in the deep trenches of labor on the path You’ve chosen.  
And you will guide me…and comfort me…and keep me…and dwell with me…step by step by Holy step…  

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Not for Fear...but for Action

The Lord spoke something pretty powerful to me yesterday:

"When I give you promptings they are never for fear...never to cause doubt.  They are to prompt action."

Let me try to unpack this a bit.

Since I became a mother...from the first days of Jake's life...I also became an amateur physician.  Illness pops up and it's a mother's job to observe symptoms, look for signs of worsening or infection and then...make decisions based on the info you've been given.'s always terrified me.

What if I choose the wrong course of action?  What if I make a mistake? Am I panicking or should I really take this baby to the ER?

I have never liked that aspect of the job.

But it's not just that...

Life...daily...brings us things...circumstances, situations, which we must decide what to do.  Many of these immediately bring fear to my heart.  Oh what do I do?

I also...painfully...admit that another almost immediate response is to doubt God.

Why are you letting this happen?  I prayed that this wouldn't happen.  I prayed for protection...for good health...for this to work out for our good...this isn't good.  Maybe you're not really there.  Maybe your Word isn't true.  Maybe...

He's been working on this fear and doubt thing with me...a lot.

So last Sunday I found out I have shingles.  Unbelievable.  I've been praying a blessing of good health on our family for weeks.

Because He and I have been working on not going straight to fear and doubt...I was able to pause...and let my husband pray healing over me. always...things pop up that tempt me to fear and doubt.  "Lord, please don't let me have any side effects from these meds....wait...what was that pain?  Is that a sign of something worse?"

That's when He said it...

"When I give you promptings, they are never for fear or doubt...they are for action."


...a situation
...a hurdle on your smooth or bumpy path
...a hill...or mountain to deal with inclination from the Holy Spirit.

Promptings can come in all forms.

And we know that the devil's number one plan...his top priority...because he really has no real power over us at all...he can't destroy us...he can't have he hassles us...his goal is for us to fear and ultimately to doubt God.  The thoughts of  "maybe He isn't who I thought He was"  or "maybe He won't do what He said He would"  or "He's neglecting me"..."He hasn't heard or is ignoring my prayers"...they are all lies.  LIES.

When we pray...when we come to Jesus and cry out to Him...when we pray back His mighty Word to Him...HE MOVES.  Absolutely and without question.  He said it in His Word:

"And whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.  If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it."  John 14:13-14

He will do it.

So when something comes up...a prompting of sorts...and we've prayed...

that prompting is meant for action and never for fear or doubt.  And it is most certainly not meant for our destruction.


...first and foremost the action is prayer...and more and more prayer.

If I've  been praying for healing and something unhealed pops up...pray for more healing.
If I've prayed for a solution to the financial crisis in front of me and another hurdle or discouragement comes...pray some more.
If I've prayed for those children to love Jesus and evidence appears that they are not...pray some more.  Scour the scripture and pray it.

This may be the only action He is prompting.  It's definitely the most powerful and important action.

He may be prompting other actions as well... more information counsel from a friend
...walk the path He's put you on
...make necessary phone calls

Whatever the action...He's never prompting us to fear or doubt.  Never.

He will show us what action to take.  And when I have rejected the fear and doubt...that direction will come with peace...even joy.

So when the prompting comes...

and so does the fear...and it will...and there's no sin in its coming (but that's a different post)...

reject that fear and doubt..don't indulge it...


I don't have to be afraid of anything because I can call Jesus into everything.

"Devote yourself to prayer.  Being watchful and thankful."  Colossians 4:2

Devoted to prayer...
Not enslaved by fear...

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

An Unwelcome Visitor

“Indeed, we felt we had received the sentence of death.  But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead.”
2 Corinthians 1:9

“Are you ok?”  There was silence on the other end of the phone…
“No…”  He was obviously crying.
“What did the doctor say?”
“It’s Melanoma”, he choked out.  “It’s deep and I have to have my lymph nodes checked.”  His words were choppy and his voice cracking.  He was sobbing between words.  “He said that he couldn’t promise it wasn’t life threatening.”

Oh God.  It’s melanoma?  Oh no…it’s been on there so long.

You need to come home.”  He was at school when he finally reached the doctor.

A few minutes later I was on the phone with the doctor myself.  I had been still trying to stay calm…maybe it’s not as bad as he thinks…

“I’m so so sorry about your husband.”  

The doctor’s voice was sober and sincere.  He was talking to me almost like Craig had already died.

I’m thinking…is this where we are?  A death sentence?  I was stunned and paralyzed.

“Well…there is still the chance that it didn’t go anywhere.  He will need surgery to remove the melanoma and to check his lymph nodes.  Then we will go from there.  Again…I am so so sorry.”

I could hardly breathe as I hung up the phone.

Oh God, Oh God…No!  Not this…we just came off a hard and exhausting year…please God No!

It’s so true how surreal your life suddenly becomes when you get a phone call like this.  

Is this really my life?
I made my way to the bathroom…my tummy doesn’t handle stress well.

I tapped out a text to my “girls”…my praying girls.  We all need them for times like this:
“Oh God.  Craig had a biopsy on a spot on his face and it’s melanoma.  Pray.”

Paula called immediately.

“Oh Paula….what am I going to do?  What are we going to do?”  I finally let the sobs out.

“Jif, first we are going to breathe.”

Breathe…why is it we forget to breathe in panic?  Breathe in…breathe out.  There are moments in life when it’s all you can do…and the best you can do.

How was I going to leave this bathroom?

I can’t go out and share this with the kids…we don’t have enough info yet…and how can I homeschool them today?

Could I really take this punch to the gut, walk out and ask, “Who wants pancakes?”

“Jif,” Paula spoke with a gentleness and an authority that I know well from her.  “I really feel like the Lord wants me to remind you that Jesus is praying for you.”

What?  Jesus is praying for me?  For some reason, it sounded so random.  I would expect her to say…God is good Jif…remember He loves you…He’s good all the time…
It wasn’t the word I was expecting.  What does that mean?  I don’t want Him to pray for me…I want Him to heal my husband…NOW!

But this word from the Lord would prove the most important thing for me to know.

She then prayed for me.

After her praying…I had enough peace and strength to leave the bathroom.  Then enough strength to hide the emotion flooding my whole being from the kids.  Miracle #1.

Craig walked in the door…wouldn’t look at me…weeping.  He headed straight upstairs to our bedroom.

I am still amazed that the kids didn’t see him.  They had just gone into their rooms to get ready for the day.  No way he would’ve been able to hide it…and why was dad home anyway?  But they didn’t see him.  Miracle #2.

I followed him up…he had collapsed on the bed in tears.  All I could do was hold him.  “It’s gonna to be ok…it’s gonna be ok”… I just held him and said it over and over…not really sure if I believed it.

At one point he said, “I can’t look at you.”  The sobs continued.
Finally, after what felt like a lifetime of tears, he was able to speak…barely, “I just don’t want to leave you and the kids.” He said between sobs.  “I am not afraid of dying…I know exactly where I’d go…I just so badly don’t want to leave you and the kids…I can’t leave you…please Lord don’t take me away from them.”  Then more sobbing.

It was a strange moment right then, for me…watching my husband sob for fear of his life…because…as a child of divorce, a girl whose father left…I thought:
“Wow.  I am blessed.  My husband would never leave me.  He is capable of all sorts of human mistakes, but that one honestly just isn’t in him.  He’d stay if he were miserable.  It would take God Almighty, Himself, taking him…for him to leave me.”
Somehow I felt blessed in that moment.  Oh how this broken man loved me…loved us.  Is everyone this loved?  Again…so strange the thoughts that go through your head.  It felt so weird to feel blessed even with this horrific cloud hovering over us….surreal.

I’m not sure how we did it…God’s mercy and grace…but somehow we were able to keep it from the kids and from Craig’s mom.  She was getting on a plane in two days for England.  If she knew this…she’d cancel her trip and frankly…we needed her to go.  We couldn’t deal with anyone else’s terror and worry.  She’s lost her husband to cancer and already has had to hear two of her children tell her they had cancer.  We couldn’t’ do it….not yet.  But we didn’t have to.  Miracle #3

A precious friend, Toby, came and prayed with us.  She knows prayer.  She knows suffering.  She’s had seasons in her life that required her to hide in the closet and cry out God’s Word.  She’d written it on her walls and bedposts.  She knows the battle in prayer.

She said words like illness being our enemy and God being the strength of our lives and our portion forever.  She prayed healing and peace.  She prayed scripture after scripture…held my hand…brought another measure of strength and peace.  God’s comfort through a sister in Christ.  Miracle #4

As we walked through that day…we could feel the love of friends…we could feel the prayer.  The presence of God covering us through the prayers of loved ones.  Miracle #5.

I called my brother Jon…and cried.  He said, “Oh Jif…it’s gonna be okay….it’s gonna be okay.”  What else can you say?

He also said some things that changed my vision a bit.
“Remember that the Bible gives us examples of people begging and pleading and reasoning with God and He changes His mind.  If for some reason His plan is to take Craig home…let’s beg him to change His mind.  He may say, ‘Oh sweetie, as much as I love you and want to say yes to that…I have to say no because of a greater purpose than you can see right now.’ Or maybe He’ll say YES!  Either way…lets’ plead and reason with Him.”

Jon and Tami came over often the next few days.  Praying, talking, loving.  At one visit, Craig broke into tears, “I…I feel so loved…like I’ve never felt before…it makes my heart physically hurt.”

It hit me.

See…I have had this habit of praying scripture for Craig and the kids.  Words from God’s Word that rang true…that I knew needed to be done in their lives.  I’ve even seen God do a miracle or two as I prayed scripture in a few other lives…like Tami.  God did something my words could never have done in her.  He even told me to “shut up and pray…stop giving her your words and start praying mine…and watch me work.”  Boy did He…but that’s another story.

I had been praying specific scripture for Craig…that he would know God’s love…the love of others and be able to pour out love…all on a whole new level.  Not that he didn’t know or do this before…but…new…deeper.  I sensed a wall there…and the Lord led me to some scripture about love.

Oh man…did I bring this on?  No…sweet child, I invited you into what I am doing.

During the next weeks…months really… Craig would often say, “I feel like God had to cut open my heart…oh so carefully…and plant a seed of love.  He’s growing a new love in me…a new grasp of His love for me…and a love for others.  He is now calling me to water that seed with trust.” 

The next two weeks were a blur.  We told very few people what was going on…mostly because we didn’t really know how serious it was.  The doctors had told us that if it didn’t go anywhere…then he’d have the melanoma removed and be fine.  He’d be monitored carefully and consistently…but he’d be ok.

Craig’s desperation for life and love…for God’s presence and His Word…jumped into hyper drive.

And the prayer and scripture flowed…to us…to heaven.  All pleading with God.  Dear friends…family…some we wouldn’t have expected it from…emailed…texted…verses…all so powerful…so real.

"Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.  I will say of the LORD, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”  Psalm 91:1-2

Words we knew…but suddenly became food…we desperately needed them to be real.

“In peace I will lie down and sleep for you alone Lord make me dwell in safety.” Psalm 4:8

“He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.” Psalm 91:4

This particular verse has strong significance of spiritual protection.  I prayed it as I pulled the covers over us to sleep…and pictured those huge impenetrable wings covering us while we slept.  Miraculously…I’ve never slept better.  Miracle #6

"For who is God besides the Lord?  And who is the Rock except our God?  It is God who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure.  He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he causes me to stand on the heights.”  Psalm 18:30-33

Craig received the following from the Lord…it literally held him up…could we really apply this word to Craig’s situation?

You will not have to fight this battle.  Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the LORD will give you...  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.  Go out to face them tomorrow, and the LORD will be with you.”  2 Chronicles 20:17

We wrestled, like many, between trying to trust God for His perfect will and fighting in prayer for utter healing and deliverance…deliverance from this enemy to Craig’s body.

There’s all kinds of theology and many Bible experts have and will continue to debate this whole idea of God healing…His sovereignty…our ability to pray and see miracles…trusting Him for His perfect plan.

We just cried out…and continued to cry out.  We ate scripture to remind us of who He is…we were held up by the fervent prayers of His children.  We fought hard in prayer.

One time I prayed that any and all cancer that had gone throughout anywhere in his body…that the Lord would just move it all up to that spot on his face so it can be cut out and gone…GONE!

And Jesus reminded me again, “I have my Father’s ear…and I too am praying.”  

Jesus is working on it.

That vision started to become our anchor.  It reminded me of a scene in Apollo 13 where the Tom Hanks character, Jim Lovell, after days of freezing cold, minimal food, and sporadic terror in outer space realizes they aren’t too sure how they’re going to re-enter earth’s atmosphere and make it back home.

His supervisor gets on the intercom.  “What’s the story Deek?”  Jim asked calmly but firmly. “Jim, we’re going to get those plans up to you…as soon as we can.  Ken Mattingly is in the simulator right now working on it.”
Ken Mattingly was Jim's right hand man who couldn’t be on this mission due to exposure to measles.

“Ken’s working on it.”  Tom Hanks says this with a newfound assurance and confidence.  If anyone could figure it out and get him in…it was Ken.

“Jesus is working on it.”  This became our mantra.

Sitting in the head and neck surgeon’s office was chilling:

“Ok…it was on your face for over a year?”  At least…maybe more like two…or three.  Not good.
“And it was bleeding?”  Also…not good.
“Ok, so you will have two surgeries.  The first one will be to remove the melanoma.  We will take extra tissue out to ensure we get clean margins.  That will leave you with a crater on your face about the size of a silver dollar and about 3 millimeters deep.”  Craig turned white…I thought he’d pass out.  He doesn’t even like doctors.  How was he going to keep it together through this?

“We will also remove the sentinel lymph nodes during the first surgery.  Once we get pathology results about the margins…making sure they’re clean…and the lymph nodes, then you will have reconstructive surgery on your face to close up the area.”

Two surgeries in two weeks.  Silver dollar sized crater.  Lymph node incisions.  Reconstructive surgery.

I felt like my spirit left my body…and there was nothing holding up my shell.
“The goal is that everything comes back clean and clear.  If it has gone to your lymph nodes, then you’re automatically looking at stage IV cancer.” 

How does a life go from normal to stage IV cancer in a matter of seconds?

“If it’s all clean and clear then you’ll still have to meet with an Oncologist to discuss moving forward.”

follow up with an that word really in our vocabulary now?

Craig was devastated…I’m not even sure that’s the word for it.  Only one I can think of.

A couple more miracles, though, brought some joy:

#7: The surgeon happened to be the father of students Craig had taught.  What are the odds?  A connection with the doctor.
#8: He happened to have a cancellation the next Monday.  Craig’s surgery would come quick.

A couple days before the surgery, Craig said, “Why do I feel like I want Pete to come pray over me and anoint me with oil?”  Pete is our beloved pastor from New Harvest Community Church…still our “go to” in a crisis, though we hadn’t attended that church for years.

“Because that’s exactly what we are going to do.” I said.  I called Jaime…one of my “girls”.  If anyone could track Pete down and get him at our house…it was her.

We had our precious prayer warriors and Pete come pray over Craig.  I will have to describe this event in detail in another entry because it was so powerful…miracles throughout the evening…the heavens rocked…and all I can say is the Holy Spirit was palpable.

While all of this was going on, my brother and his wife, Tami were waiting to hear news of their own.  My niece, Jasmine, had a mole removed…ironically or spookily, I’m not sure…on the same day as Craig’s biopsy.  Her test came back inconclusive for melanoma.  It needed to be sent to Cornell Pediatric Melanoma Center.

This really can’t be happening.

My daughter cannot lose her dad and her beloved cousin.  Our family can’t do this.

We started to look up at the sky for frogs falling.

By the time Craig went into surgery…the Lord had done so much.  So many precious encounters with loved ones….so much prayer and devouring of scripture…Craig memorized Psalm 91 and Psalm 27.

It was a Monday when Craig had his first surgery.  A week and a half after this unwelcome visitor showed up.  Right before they wheeled him in…got a text from Tami:

“Jasmine does not have melanoma.”  Praise Jesus! 

We both smiled and felt a wave of power and hope surge through us…God was healing…He was healing.

“I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron.  I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you many know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.”  Isaiah 45:2-3

We had to wait a torturous 4 days to get the pathology results.  We had wanted to get the news by that Friday because Jake’s 16th birthday party had already been planned for the Saturday.  And Mother’s Day was that Sunday. 

Oh Lord…I really need a good phone call before this weekend.

I will tell you…I wrestled hard with God during those four days.  I reasoned, I begged, I pleaded…I prayed for total healing.  I’m not quite sure if the wrestling was with Him…He may have already done His good work…or with my enemy and my own thoughts.  But wrestling was what I did during those four days.

On one of them, I was laying on my front yard swing…my happy place…and I was watching a huge white cloud that over the next few minutes dissipated into nothing. 

“…because I am going to the Father.  And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.  You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.”  John 14:12c-14

Yes, Lord…it’s what you told Paula to tell me…You are at the Father’s side and you’ve said I can ask for anything.

That’s what I want Lord.  If there is any cancer in his body…touch it right now and cause it to dissipate just like that cloud.  I am asking…you said I could…I am asking.  Oh that your Father would be glorified.  Yes Lord!  Yes!

By Friday morning…we were utterly spent…at our end.

Oh Lord…please.  You know we will praise you either way…we have proven that.  I’ve had the bad phone calls Lord…no baby growing in my tummy...that baby you thought you’d be adopting, you’re not…every time I turned in tears and sorrow and gave you praise.  I want the good phone call! 

I had never really talked to Him like that before…

30 minutes later…the doctor called. 

“It’s good news!”

What?  What did you say?   Good news?

“The margins are clean and the 3 lymph nodes we took are clear of melanoma.  So I’d say it’s about an 85-90% chance that you are cancer free.”

What?  Why not 100%?  Oh yeah…still having to meet with Oncologist to discuss moving forward.

Craig, the math teacher said…or maybe it was me…the one who doesn’t like math, “But as far as you’re concerned, there isn’t any cancer in his body…the melanoma didn’t travel.”

“Correct.  I can’t promise it won’t come back.  But it’s highly likely it didn’t go anywhere.”

We would worry about that 85-90% later.  

It was time to celebrate.

It was a whirlwind of laughter…jumping up and down…weeping…dancing…letting the kids in on what had happened…what God had done.
It didn’t go to his lymph nodes…all that time…as deep as it was…and his lymph nodes were clean.

I got my good phone call.  Oh what a Good Good Father you are, Lord!  You said, yes!  You did it!

We celebrated all day long…visits from friends, loved ones…food, wine…celebration!

And our trust journey continued.

The summer was made up of Craig clinging to God…doing battle against fear…handing over control…the LORD opening his heart…planting that love…weeding out fears, control, critical heart…

We decided to do Beth Moore’s Bible Study, “Believing God”.  I had done it years ago…Craig hadn’t.

I marveled as my strong, introverted, quiet spiritual leader of a husband wept and cried, “Glory!”  and “Amen!”…while watching Beth teach about believing God.

The main idea of the study is that many of us believe in God.  But do we really believe Him.

Do we believe:
He is who He says He is
He can do what He says He can do
We are who God says we are
We can do all things through Christ…and
God’s Word is alive and active in me

And I watched God work.  I watched him shred the man I married and remake him into a new person.  It was like nothing I’d ever witnessed before.

We went back into praying mode...never stopped really…praying for total healing.  Praying against that possible and pesky 10-15%.

Then…just last week, after having an MRI on his brain, a PET scan on his body, and a blood test dissecting his white blood cell count…not to mention full exams by dermatologist and follow up exams with head and neck surgeon…

I am brimming with joy and amazement to tell you that God has completely healed Craig.

There is no evidence of any cancer…anywhere.

The technician who did his PET scan told him…if the cancer has gone somewhere…and melanoma can do that…this test will show you.  If you get a clean scan…then it’s nowhere.

We got news of all clean scans last week.

This story is now turning into a book…and maybe one day I’ll write it in full…there is so much more to say.

But for now it is our desire that you know this…

God healed Craig.  Oh that the Father would be glorified in the Son.  He did it!

“And on the basis of faith in His name, it is the name of Jesus which has strengthened this man whom you see and know, and the faith which comes through Him has given him this perfect health.”  Acts 3:16

I do not have all the answers of why God heals some and not others.  I have been one who has had the “No” at times in my life.  And I don’t know what the future holds…there are no guarantees…Craig will have to be closely monitored for years…probably for the rest of his life…Life is precious and fragile and God can do whatever He wants at any time He wants.

But I do know this: 
God is good…He is perfectly faithful.  He never leaves us…and I believe on a whole new level that HE DOES HEAL.

I also know...our friend Beth Moore has taught us...that even if we don't get the answer we wanted...and some days we won't...if we pray hard...pray His word...pray believing Him we have some guarantees:

We will please Him.  He loves it when we pray and believe Him for big things. (Heb. 11:6)

We will receive His power.  (Eph 1:19)

We will see His glory. (John 11:38-40)

I believe that healing is in His heart…that He wants to heal…it’s what Jesus did the most while He was here.  I believe that He still can and will do miracles here and now.  I believe that we could be on the brink of God doing unbelievable things in our time…if we would just ask and believe…and make no mistake…there’s no perfection on our part in this journey…just a continuation of seeking after Him...a lot of crying out and wrestling and clinging to Him...  

And His Word…oh how mighty it is.  It truly isn’t just a bunch of nice words or a bunch of laws and historical events…but the real life and power and action of the Lord God Almighty…truly alive and active in us who believe.

He’s given us a whole new prayer life…one that we want to share with you…loved ones…powerful…Spirit filled…for the Glory of God.

We had a very unwelcome visitor, but our Almighty God…our Great Physician…faithful and Good Good Father…held that visitor at bay…used it for His perfect purposes…heard our cries and said, “Yes!”

And we are in awe.

“Indeed, we felt we had received the sentence of death.  But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead.  He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us again.  On Him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us, as you help us by your prayers.  Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many.”  2 Corinthians 1:9-11

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A Christmas Wish and a bit about us

 So…I may be getting the hang of this internet thing…maybe too much.  But I thought I’d use this gift vehicle meant for good (internet, social media) to send out a Christmas blessing to all of you…friends and family…and give you a bit of info about the Adnams family.

First…a little about us:

Our Favorite Things:

Craig: teaching math (some days more than others), online games of Risk, playing with the kids, time with Jif, and anything on ESPN.

Jif: Homeschooling (some days more than others), Community Bible Study (best thing we do all week), time with Craig, and hot tea…to start and end the day.

Jake: His new ipod, his dog Bo, playing xbox with friends, playing basketball (that’s new for him), pizza, In and Out burgers and milkshakes, and Duck Dynasty.

Carly:  Time with friends…or her brother…or her parents…or anyone, horseback riding, surfing, any unhealthy microwavable food, anything with sugar in it, and Duck Dynasty.

Things we’ve learned this year:

Craig:  Life isn’t always like math…there aren’t always solutions.

Jif: The most important thing to nurture in the kids…a love for the Lord and for others.

Jake:  Doing what mom or dad asks the first time is always better than what comes after not doing it.

Carly: Make sure you add water when microwaving macaroni and cheese.

Common things heard around the house:

Craig: Don’t mess with the DVR…I am recording the USC game or the Steelers game, or the Yankees game...

Jif:  What?  Dinner?  Didn’t I just feed you people?

Jake: Mom…sorry I couldn’t come do the dishes, my clan was having a meeting.  (Jif: “You have a clan?”  Jake: “Yeah…on Clash of Clans”)

Carly:  Can I go to Justine’s?  Can I go to Amber’s?  Can you call and see if Madi can come over?

Here’s a link to our favorite Christmas song, by Third Day:

Our Christmas wish for you all:

That you would know how much Jesus loves you, what His coming to earth…pouring out His grace...means for you, and that you would know His peace and His presence now and always.

Merry Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year!

The Adnams Family
Craig, Jennifer, Jake (14) and Carly (10)


Saturday, November 23, 2013

That nasty little fine line

It's really hard sometimes.

Hard to be a Christian in this world.  I remember when it was hardest for  I had been well discipled during my high school days...knew the Bible pretty well...knew how to have a quiet time, spend time with the Lord...had surrounded myself with friends who, for the most part, encouraged my walk with Christ instead of trying to derail it.  But then I went to college.

Now...I always blame my parents' divorce for my walk of darkness during those days.  And I still do, to some extent.  The carpet had been ripped out from under me a few years before and I had this inexplicable urge and desperation to find love and acceptance.  But also it was the first time that my faith was being challenged.  From all angles I was pressed, "Why would you believe that?"  Professors, friends, co-workers would look on me with such dismissive I was an imbecile.  The other factor was that college life was really fun... and really wild.  Everywhere around me people were having the time of their life...partying, making out (that's what we called "hooking up" back then...but it didn't necessarily include sex), getting drunk etc...  So I dipped my toes into it...sometimes that toe-dip took me waist deep.

I told myself I could go to parties...even drink a little...even kiss a few guys a little...and I really wouldn't be doing anything wrong.  And really...maybe I wasn't doing anything really wrong.  But I began this tightrope walk of trying to be a follower of Christ...I still really loved Him, even in all the questioning and ridicule....and trying to have a little bit of "fun".

And what I found was utter and complete emptiness.  I found that everything the world was offering and working double time to lure me into...was totally empty.  There was no peace, there was no love, there was no purpose in life.  Just dark emptiness.

The only joy or peace or love I found in those days was when I would get on my bike with my Bible in my backpack and go to the cliffs of Del Playa in Santa Barbara, near my home in Isla Vista...climb the fence that forbade anyone on the cliff...and sit with Jesus.  I'll never forget staring at the immense ocean...wild and powerful, yet spectacularly the waves would roll in...roll out...with such precision and mighty repetition..."I am still in control" He would say to me.  The sky was always colorful...pinks, reds, oranges, purples...swirling, glowing..."I really really love you." I would hear from Him.  Never any "How could you?" or "What were you thinking"...just..." are mine and I love you.  I know there are so many things you've been hearing.  But you just hold on to what I have told you."  And I would weep.

By His grace I was able to leave that time and place with no permanent damage to step back into a life that was on His path...with people, once again, who would love and encourage...not tempt, tease, and lead me astray.  Also by His grace I actually had a roommate that told me that I had brought her back to the Lord.  Only Jesus could do something like that...through my pathetic witness at the time, actually woo another soul to Himself...He's so amazing!

Looking's what I've learned.  The world is out to kill and destroy...mock and ridicule our faith.  It's just a fact.  And the walk that Jesus asks of us is really not so hard and boring.  Yeah...he tells us not to get drunk, not give our bodies to anyone to whom we haven't yet made marriage vows, to not gossip and tear down, but build up others, to not dabble in the dark things of this world. 

But here's the radiant truth.  He tells us this because His way is so much better...more fulfilling, more life giving, full of more love and joy and peace...and the purpose He gives us is our "truest self"'s what we were made for.  He makes us our best selves...most fulfilling selves.  We have true fulfillment only in Him on His path.  It's just. a. fact.  And the joy and peace and love that we have daily...oh how glorious.  Are there hard days?  Of course.  But as believers we have the Spirit of the Living God actually living in us...did you catch that?  Living in us.  He is available every come, fill, guide, pour out love...and He does!  He really really does!  He is definitely a gentleman about it...doesn't barge His way in.  But as we comes.  And oh the fulfillment He brings.

I feel bad for kids today.  It's exponentially harder to walk that fine line today than it was back in my day.  The internet, the sex (with all it's variations), the continued drinking (some things never change).  And for Christian's brutal.  How do you have any friends at school when you don't look anything like the others?  I know of many Christian kids who have had many lonely high school nights...left out...cuz they just don't fit in. 

Or they do fit in...which is even scarier.  How many Christian kids today are getting too close to that nasty little fine line, tripping and flying over it?  They call themselves Christians...are members of Christian clubs...but on the weekends they are doing all the deeds of darkness that their non-believing friends are doing. 

It does real damage.  Not only to themselves...but to the body of Christ.

It's hard.  I get it.  You want to fit in.  You want to have fun.  But I think what these kids haven't figured out is that only Christ's path works.

Here's the message: Christ loves you, wants and has the best for you, and His way is the only way to life.  It doesn't mean there won't be hard days...months...even years.  There will be.  But in Him is the only way to find and peace...and the love love love we all long for.  He has it.  He longs to pour it out on us if we would just open our arms to it.

Don't get too close to that's really more like a cliff...on the one side is life abundant...on the just emptiness and darkness.  Stay on the plane of grace and goodness and life that He has for you.  It's the only safe place to be.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Sometimes you just have to obey

Our church recently asked us to fast for a week.  We were to fast from some food item (sugar, coffee...whatever you really like and really depend on) and from non-work related media (television, radio, facebook etc.)  The pastor up front was really pushing this congregational fasting.  It was part of a church week of seeking the Lord.  They really wanted everyone (upwards of 10,000 people) to take part in this exercise.  He ended the explanation by saying, "You really will get out of it what you put into it."

That's when he lost me.

I'll get out of it what I put into it?  I see what he's saying.  The more time you spend seeking God in a week...going to the services they had each night, spending time praying when you're longing for the item you're fasting from...the closer you will feel to Him.


I have fasted plenty of times and gotten nothing out of it.  I have ended the fasting period with nothing more than a longing for the food I've been missing or the television. 

I sat there and thought...I don't know if that's true.  Sometimes we just do something because God has asked us to...and that's all there is to it.

So Craig and I both decided to do the fast from media.  It was hard.  Instead of putting the kids to bed and watching our favorite t.v. shows, we talked...listened to music together.  It was great for one night, but by the end we were taking turns tempting each other to break our fast...sinners!  I can honestly say...I didn't feel like I got much out of it.  And I sort of made myself feel bad..."Well, maybe if I had gone to one of the services, or if Craig and I had prayed together instead of just being bored together...maybe I would have gotten more out of it."  That's probably least a little.

We went to church the next Sunday and another pastor got up to preach.  First thing he said was awesome!

"Many of you have just come off a week of fasting.  And one day when you're sitting before the Lord He will say to you. 'Remember that time you fasted?  Here's what I did while you were fasting.'  And then He'll show you the amazing and powerful ways that God moved while you were simply obeying Him...fasting and praying."

It was so encouraging.  I don't think I was supposed to get anything out of it.  It wasn't about me...necessarily. 

See, there is a whole spirit realm that is more real than the computer screen in front of you.  More real than any matter or energy, any person or circumstance.  The spiritual realm is the most real reality. 

And I believe that amazing miraculous things go on in that realm when we simply obey.  This obedience doesn't just have to be in prayer and fasting.  Anything He's called us to do and we do it?  That's obedience.  Most of life is made up of moments of simple obedience...getting up and going to work to provide for our family, making yet another meal (didn't I just feed you people?), cleaning the kitchen and bathrooms, being kind, resisting temptation...this is all obedience.  And many times we don't get much out of it in the moment.  It's just plain work.

The most powerful obedience is prayer...ok...and fasting.  But prayer is the most powerful thing we do all day.  But it can feel so simple, mundane...dare I say times, we don't feel or see anything come of it.  We even feel diminished or blown off a bit when someone says, "Wow...I'll pray for you about that."

But the reality is....

Mountains are moved, prisoners set free, sickness is healed, lives are changed.  I believe fervently that when we obey...we set in motion the power that raised Jesus from the dead.  No telling what amazing and spectacular things are going on...that we can't see. 

Occasionally, He lets us in on the miracles.  I have found this whenever I have diligently prayed scripture over someone...anyone.

I prayed a passage for six months over my sister-in-law and without telling the whole long story...there were changes in her and her relationship with the Lord that I wouldn't have dreamed of.

I have been praying specific verses for my kids...and I am seeing glimpses of what the Lord is mightily doing in them.

I have many times prayed different things for Craig...many of which, I've seen Him answer.

But even if I don't see the answer, I absolutely believe...God. Is. Moving. while I pray.

I think He moves when I homeschool my kids out of obedience, when I am kind to my wicked neighbor, and when I hold my tongue.  We don't always see it...we mostly don't get much out of it...but oh how He moves when we obey.  And that gives me motivation and encouragement to obey even when it's not fun or when I don't see or don't get anything out of it.

Sometimes we just need to obey.  It's what we tell our kids, right?  They don't get much out of it...and they certainly don't see the need for it...but they really just need to do it.

So do we.

Friday, May 17, 2013

This is God's Will for You

"In everything, give thanks, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."  1 Thessalonians 5:18

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.  The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:30-31

I think I'm finally figuring it out.  Only took 35 years.  Well...I think I've known this for some time, but somehow on this road of life, I lost my focus...lost my way...took my eyes off Him and put them back on me.

It happens subtly and sneakily.  The enemy is best at this...getting our eyes off of what life is really about and distracting us with...well...ourselves.


Really my worst enemy.  When my eyes are focused on's horrible.

Complaint after complaint

It's enough to give you a stomachache...and high blood pressure...and...well, you name it.  We can die from a whole life's focus on ourselves.

I started a journey of thankfulness almost two years ago.  Didn't realize how far from having a thankful heart I was.  It started with God leading me to Ann Voskamp's "One Thousand Gifts".  She talks about counting the gifts...writing down all things big and small that God gives us...miracles, proofs of his love, things that we love...every day.  And there are thousands to count...sounds simple enough.

It is...but when you've cultivated a heart of is hard to change it.  It's like you have to go through a sort of death before you can really have this new heart.

And the world is no help.  This human race is hopelessly self-absorbed.  And I hate to say it, but it must be said; The body of Christ is no better.  If you stop and think...everywhere, everything is nudging us to be about us.  Those of us who are Christian parents think, "Well...I am not about me.  I am about my kids.  Family comes first."  What a load of heresy.  First of all...who are we kidding.  We are about us when we are all about our kids.  It screams from Facebook and Twitter and Christmas Cards:  "Look at us!  Look what my kid did!  Look at what a great mom I am!"  I am sorry to say it, but I think we grieve the Lord more than we ever dreamed.

This year, it became so clear.  It was so simple...just the most famous verse in the new testament.  Just Christianity boiled down into two simple things:

1. Love the Lord with every single part of any and every HIM.

I think that means...He gets the credit...He gets my trust...He gets to receive my 1000 thanks.  I talk to Him all throughout the on Him in weakness...praise Him in victory...soak myself, nourish myself in His word.  I walk through the day looking for ways to love Him...not me.

2. Love your neighbor as yourself.

Here's the real rub.  People are annoying.  They are constantly in the way...not doing things the way I want them to...putting speed bumps in the middle of my wonderfully constructed plans.  But I think Jesus was giving us a hint at how we carry out this loving the Lord with everything.  We do it by loving the other humans...annoying as they are.  We try to look into their eyes...feel their pain...empathize with the fact that they are probably annoyed too...and we pour love on them.  Not too hard...really...a smile...a gesture of putting them ahead of us...waving them into your lane on the freeway.  Walking through the day looking for who I can love...where I can love someone else.

Guess what happens when we begin to practice these three things:

Love God
Love Others

Our heart softens, changes, goes through a type of metamorphosis from the stone it was into a heart of flesh that the Lord can use...and bless.

When you are thankful and pouring out stop worrying about your own situation...the stomachache slowly goes away...and somehow, though your life's situation hasn't changed a bit, your heart begins to swell with joy and peace.

It's so simple...embarrassingly simple...yet so true.  It really is the secret to life.